Robocopy: ERROR 5 (0x00000005)

I have faced this Robocopy error many times:

2010/03/20 11:48:37 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Copying File C:\Foobar.pdf
Access is denied.
Waiting 30 seconds...

The reasons for this error are many and the fixes depends on the reasons:

  1. Check if the destination disk is full.
  2. Try the /COPY:DT option. By default, Robocopy copies using the option /COPY:DAT. This copies the Data, Attributes and Timestamps. /COPY:DT ignores the Attributes.

7 thoughts on “Robocopy: ERROR 5 (0x00000005)

  1. Yep, It worked…
    Strange enough, the first part of my files to copy was copying correctly, and the second part was giving me this error.
    Using the /COPY:DT parameter did the job!


  2. If you changed it from “DAT to DT” wouldnt that make the command “ALWAYS COPY” the data regaurdless if it has been changed or not?


  3. Thanks a lot!

    Using /COPY:DT it worked.

    Funny that it was working before without it….

    Thanks again,



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